Activities that increase the risk of developing piles

We are becoming so dependent on our mobile phones that it is having a negative impact on our body, mind and even social relationships. Even taking the device to the toilet. No doubt, this is a very unhealthy practice. Even sitting on the commode for long periods of time and using the phone

We are becoming so dependent on our mobile phones that it is having a negative impact on our body, mind and even social relationships. Even taking the device to the toilet. No doubt, this is a very unhealthy practice. Even sitting on the commode for long periods of time and using the phone increases the risk of painful diseases like piles.


If any of the blood vessels in the anus become swollen, they are commonly called piles. In most cases, piles are caused by prolonged pressure on the anus. Regardless of the height of the commode, most of the blood circulating in the body while sitting on the commode goes down into the blood vessels of the anus. As a result, there can be increased pressure on the blood vessels. Due to this increased pressure for a long period of time, but those blood vessels can swell. That is, there may be piles.

When you are sitting on the toilet scrolling on your phone, most of your attention goes to that. You don't even notice that you need to go to the toilet. In this condition, the normal discharge of stool can also be obstructed. Because, there are many neurological issues associated with stool discharge.

The inability to pass stool normally can cause it to remain hard in your colon later on. That means you will suffer from constipation. If you are constipated, you will still have to exert extra pressure during bowel movements. As a result, the risk of piles will increase.

What to do to avoid the risk
The results of scientific studies show that sitting on the toilet for a long time is associated with the risk of piles. Know what to do to avoid this risk. From Israt Faisal.

Mobile phones cannot be taken to the toilet. If you have a habit of sitting on the toilet for a long time, get out of it. Don't spend time on the toilet with books, magazines, cell phones—anything.
Do not apply excessive pressure if the stool is not discharged after sitting on the toilet for some time. You can go out and take a walk.
Drink enough water throughout the day. Eat lots of vegetables. You can eat bananas. Do not peel the fruits that can be eaten with the skin on.
If necessary, you can eat ispgul husk. Mix one teaspoon of husk in a glass of water every night and eat it immediately. Do not eat the husk after soaking it for a long time.
Exercise regularly.
Do not hold back when you feel the need to pass stool. It increases the risk of constipation. Increases the risk of piles.

Monirul Islam

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